
Personal & Team


- If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

African Proverb

Mindful Empowerment at your fingertips

Coaching Mindset
Rewire empoderamiento emocional
Rewire empoderamiento exito

Let's start a transformative process in which we will align Beliefs and Actions. I like to call it "holistic" because in practice we follow a model in which the individual is part of a whole, making their achievements, progress and growth a fundamental part of collective development. We are going to be able to put leverage systems at our disposal to comply any goal and reinvent ourselves constantly and creatively in these areas of our lives:





Service to the World



Hunab Amaya

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Accompaniment Benefits

Spiritual Intelligence

Deep achievements and transcendent lessons. With this value, one is able to strengthen resilience, develop compassion, and wisely focus power for the common good.

Perception & Power

The ability to interpret personal history and the present from an innovative and constructive perspective is obtained. New and diverse states of consciousness and vitality are accessed.

Effective communication

Through non-violent communication, you are able to optimize personal and business processes in an amazing positive curve. Thus, a healthy and harmonious environment is established.


Personal (45 mins.):




Group (60 mins):




Accompaniment Recommendations

Ricardo Perret
Innovation Expert

"Luis is an innovator who combines tools from different disciplines to offer a new way of connecting with his interior and thus manifest a new reality."

Juan Manuel Espinoza
Founder of Todo con Amor

"Luis has been a great companion on the road, with whom I was able to find a very deep connection in music and meditation."