The Magic of the 4 Mirrors

“We are all reflections of ourselves” was the phrase that a good colleague taught me at the end of 2016. I meditated on this topic for months and thus was able to understand the transcendental teaching that humanity has preserved for millennia. From the first time I heard this phrase, I knew that there was something magical and mystical in it, something powerful that would become my main tool for growth. Mirrors have been one of the main tools of our ancestors to perform their rituals and spells. Being such powerful tools, it is necessary to use them responsibly and with love. At first, the magic of mirrors can be overwhelming, but over time, the practitioner will gain strength. 

A mirror is an object with a very specific purpose: to reflect light. There are many materials that can reflect light and can be used as mirrors. Humans have long used mirrors to discover the best-hidden secrets of the Universe. In ancient times, they were used for purposes ranging from communicating with spirits to making profound scientific and technological advances in understanding the cosmos. Each culture has used them differently.

Light has a very interesting role in the Universe, since it is a form of energy capable of storing information. The higher the energy (temperature), the more light a physical body emits. At low temperatures, matter lacks light. When light hits an object, the matter absorbs that energy and reflects only some specific frequencies due to its composition. This means that every object works like a mirror, since the colors of the objects are nothing more than the reflection of the light that illuminates them and that by losing energy in the reflection it becomes the color that reaches our eyes..

Under this premise, material reality is constructed by an illusion; everything is a reflection of the light we perceive. Any object without light that illuminates it has no (visible) meaning; Thanks to light, reality and matter have purpose.

To understand the “magic of mirrors”, it is necessary to connect with our philosophical sense, allowing us to see in mirrors the analogies and metaphors that they offer us in our personal and collective development.

The Natural Mirror

“What we see and interpret in other people speaks as much about them as it does about ourselves.”

Hunab amaya

If everything is a reflection, then what we see in other people, animals, and plants, especially those with whom we spend the most time, speaks as much about us as it does about themselves. It is like finding in all the people in the world an image of our own being. If we are aware, we can realize how this phrase has deep philosophical relevance in our lives.

For example, if two people collide in their cars and both start arguing, this may be because their personalities are colliding, as if there is a mirror between them. Similarly, when a jealous man projects his own thoughts and desires onto his partner, he reveals his fears and capabilities reflected in her. If we offend our neighbor, we are really offending ourselves, since we are projecting something that lives within us. When it seems to us that someone is speaking in a strong or offensive tone, our brain seeks to make sense of that lack of information and replaces it with what is more familiar to us, that is, our own actions and attitudes.

We must keep in mind that when we take things the wrong way too quickly, we are exposing our own personality through the Natural Mirror. Therefore, we must be aware that what we see in others is partly a projection of our own being and not always objective reality. By believing everything we are told, we allow the magic of the Natural Mirror to immerse us in our own thoughts and beliefs.

Through the Natural Mirror, we learn to stop judging and maintain a balance between what we know and what we believe.

The Natural Mirror invites us to constantly look at ourselves in other people, especially when their actions or words make us uncomfortable. If what we look at is in part a reflection of ourselves, then a deep process of self-observation begins.

The exercise par excellence to discover the magic of the Natural Mirror is to speak out loud in front of a wall mirror and dialogue with our reflection. It is an uncomfortable experience for many people, but it is essential to learn to have a conversation with ourselves and not fail the first mirror test. We must avoid falling into narcissism and ask the most interesting questions that come to mind. Five minutes a day are enough to begin to know ourselves better and undo the illusion of our existence. 

If we get used to our own reflection, we can use its magic to go deeper into our being and reflect on how we want that reflection to look and speak to us. In this way, we can undo the illusions that keep us from the truth and be more aware of our reality.

Rejecting the magic of the natural mirror without first experiencing it means losing the opportunity to discover something about ourselves that we may not like, which in turn prevents us from learning and correcting mistakes. By understanding ourselves better through the natural mirror, we can be more sincere with ourselves and, consequently, with the world around us. We must always keep in mind the idea of doing for our neighbors what we wish for ourselves, and understand that our attitude towards them helps us to know ourselves better.

The White Mirror

I am able to recognize the best in other people to spread our luminosity

Hunab amaya

During one of my trips to the picturesque town of Tulum, I was fortunate to meet a wise man who called himself a witch. His peaceful attitude and excellent education inspired confidence and I considered him a true sage whose teachings have remained deeply rooted in my life. I remember that my attitude in Tulum was one of exploration, alertness, and purification, which made my trip especially meaningful. I felt happily fulfilled, learning to enjoy the present and opening my mind to all the opportunities the universe could offer me.

In fact, during that year I had carried out Buddhist practices for the first time in my life that allowed me to experience states of healthy ecstasy and deep peace and harmony. As time went by, I learned that not everything the witch had told me was necessarily true, but I found myself “blinded” or “dazzled” by the magic of the natural mirror, later being able to see myself through it. This sensation is unique, difficult to recognize and persistent over time.

The white mirror is a tool that helps us understand that by wishing the well-being of others, we also wish the well-being of ourselves.. The basis of this reflection lies in the way we think, if we are happy and fulfilled, we can wish the same for all human beings. By becoming aware of this, our attitude towards the environment changes, and we become more empathetic and understanding with those around us.

Through the White Mirror we give value to other people, regardless of their “defects” and “actions”. When this is done with the consciousness of the Natural Mirror, it will bring many benefits to our own lives, since the recognition comes from a “double meaning” consciousness.

This mirror invites us to ask ourselves a series of very valuable questions:

  • What are the bright/positive aspects that the other person can inspire me with?
  • What can I be grateful about the other person?
  • How can the other person's light illuminate the world?

The White Mirror invites us to constantly practice recognizing other people, knowing that we also recognize ourselves in the process.. Its name is white mirror because we constantly seek the light side of our neighbor, because we are also cultivating it in ourselves by finding it in others.

While the Natural Mirror invites us to constantly evaluate ourselves, the White Mirror invites us to constantly recognize ourselves inside and out.

By regularly observing with the white mirror, it can happen that we connect with an innocence and purity that was more prevalent in childhood, and everything can seem as if it were new when we live in the constant recognition of external luminosity. This can lead us to “blindness” from so much light, inhibiting us from looking at a broader truth of the external world, especially of people.

That is why it will eventually be necessary to transcend this tool of “enlightenment” to deepen the perception and interpretation of the world around us.

The Black Mirror

“If I am also a mirror, I can choose in part what I reflect to the other person.”

Hunab amaya

I call the third mirror the Black Mirror, and it is related to wisdom.. The reflection that a black mirror provides is similar to that of American obsidian; We see in its reflection the attenuated light details, only those necessary to give meaning to the image it reflects.

The reflection of a black mirror is faint, delicate and barely distinguishable. This type of reflection works as a light filter, considerably reducing the amount of detail that we can see. When we have learned the deepest lessons through the white mirror, it is necessary to return to the direction of our individuality with the black mirror. The black mirror not only allows us to see the most important aspects of ourselves in others, but also filters the rest of the information we process to make solid and supported conjectures, without excessive reflection and analysis.

The Black Mirror acts as a filter that allows us to see only what is essential, the fundamental aspects that underlie our relationships and our understanding of the world. Through it, we can discern the truth more clearly and rawly, without the trappings of illusion or self-deception.

This type of reflection leads us to understand how our actions and decisions affect others and ourselves on a deeper level. It helps us recognize the consequences of our actions and make informed and beneficial decisions for both ourselves and those with whom we interact.

The black mirror reveals the truth in a more sagacious and crude way, not because of the amount of light (information) that we can observe from the reflection, but because of the decisions that from this perspective we begin to make. Those beings who turn to the reflection of the black mirror are capable of finding and producing illumination among the deepest darkness.

The black mirror does not reflect the illusion of lighting like the white mirror, so here the perception of everything is more sober and strategic. It's like being a wild animal with the power to see in the darkness of the jungle. Working this reflection brings discernment.

The black mirror is the tool to voluntarily and consciously invoke our luminosity and shadow in another person..

When a father looks at his child through the white mirror, he can connect with his child's innocence and empathize with him. But by looking in the black mirror, you can see how some expressions and displays of your love (such as providing money or material goods, often) can have consequences on your child's development. This reflection gives the father wisdom and discernment about what he grants to his child as a sign of his love.

Or when someone overcomes jealousy and envy in their relationship, the black mirror becomes a valuable tool to understand how their love affects their partner's objective reality, allowing them to make informed and beneficial decisions for both. This way, you can enjoy your relationship without losing sight of reality.

One more example is when through the natural mirror we have understood our function within our social circle, being able to see in each of our relationships a different representation of ourselves; So with the wisdom of the black mirror we can choose to transform ourselves into a mirror knowing that our neighbor sees himself in us.. By understanding this, we can decide to become a mirror for others, regardless of whether they are aware of it or not, and be able to influence them from our authenticity for the collective awakening of consciousness. This level of consciousness allows us to serve higher purposes or influence objective reality through our subjective reality and our will.

To become a useful reflection with the Black Mirror, We can practice slow breathing and silence when we are in a process of interpretation, just like the jaguar in the dark night in the middle of the jungle.. You have to learn to become an observer with a stalking attitude, without violence or fear, but with strength and clarity ready to act.

The Mirror of Water

“In addition to seeing myself in you, I can see you in me. "I can see you through my reflection."

Hunab amaya

The type of reflection that water creates is one of very peculiar qualities, so this metaphor works perfectly for the last mirror of consciousness.

The first and most important characteristic of water is that it is a vital element for life; Thanks to their existence, earth, air and fire adopt a specific complementary function. It is also amorphous, it adapts and flows through the channel without opposing said flow. If the water is calm, it is because the earth wants it that way; If the water is in motion it is because the wind, fire or gravity dictate it. Water can afford this luxury because it does not need to oppose any force, it adapts and flows.

But perhaps the most relevant characteristic of the water mirror is that we can not only see our reflection, but we can also see through the water itself. If we stand in front of a pond or pool and look at our reflection carefully, we can change the focus of our gaze and see what is beyond the reflection.

This is the mirror of natural transcendence, since when we learn to see others with the mirror of water in the middle, we can not only appreciate our reflection and be aware of it, but we can go through the reflection and know the reality that is there. behind. This leads us to the sacred empathy that results from clearly seeing both sides of the reflection, allowing us to be in harmonious communion with ourselves and others.

Through the reflection of the Water Mirror we give up our identity, and the diffuse image of what we are loses importance when we contemplate the depth of what is behind the mirror.

It is a transition from “I” to “It”; That is, putting aside the illusion of the “Ego” to make way for understanding and feeling what others really are. Then we begin to flow between our reflection and what is behind it, like naturally flowing water. This experience can be eternal or ephemeral, since the Ego can never be defeated or annihilated; It is like a dragon that we incessantly learn to tame until the day we die.

This mirror is very powerful because it gives us the clarity to understand what is happening at each end of the reflection. There is less process of interpretation and much more contemplation from love.

This mirror finally invites us to take action and move or flow like water in some reflection situation.. By knowing one's own reflection and the nature of the other person passing through the reflection, one can have a very complete perspective and act for the greatest benefit and good of all parties involved.

It can be said that the Water Mirror happens naturally by regularly practicing the previous mirrors, because it is more like a state resulting from the consciousness developed by the mirrors.

Mirror Applications

Let's imagine that you have a communication problem with a close person, and you feel frustration because you can't make them understand you.

  • We begin by looking through the natural mirror, reflecting on how the way we see ourselves and others can affect the situation. Is there any judgment or prejudice that we have that may be influencing the way we communicate?
  • Then we use the white mirror to find the best in the other person. What skills or qualities do you have that could help in the situation? How can we take advantage of them to achieve better communication?
  • Next, we need to look through the black mirror, confronting the fears and shadows that may be hindering communication. Is there any fear or resistance we hold that may be affecting the way we communicate? What own shadows could be influencing the situation?
  • Finally, we immerse ourselves in the reflecting pool, seeking depth in what lies behind the communication. What values or needs are at stake in this situation? How can we communicate from a more authentic and compassionate place? How can we all benefit?

Through reflection and exploration in each of the mirrors, we can obtain a clearer vision of the situation and of ourselves, which will allow us to find more effective and satisfactory solutions..

The natural mirror refers to the reflection of light in nature, and invites us to reflect on what we see in others and how that reflects on ourselves.

The white mirror refers to enlightenment and seeing the best in others, but it also warns us about the illusion of not being able to distinguish between what we see in others and in ourselves.

The black mirror works with the confrontation of fears and shadows, and helps us filter and better understand reality.

And the water mirror invites us to flow and find depth behind our own image reflected in the water.

When we have learned to see the subtle and unconscious world through the four mirrors, our consciousness expands and we become more aware of the totality of ourselves.

Hunab amaya